Sometimes you need to make a change to a currently running launch. We get it! Here's how:
1. Choose "Launches" from the left navigation panel in your account.
2. Click on the launch you want to edit.
3. Click the yellow Edit button at the top of the screen under Launch Detail.
NOTE: Clicking "Edit" on an active running launch will immediately pause it. The changes you make will then need to be reviewed by our team (manual review) or the system (automated launch approval) before your launch can resume.
4. Make any desired changes to your launch. You can edit various aspects of your launch including but not limited to:
ACoS (Discount)
Coupon Amount
Launch Timeline (number of Days, number of giveaways scheduled per day)
Destination (title, link)
Notes (any additional details necessary to ensure a successful launch)
NOTE: You do not need to pause a launch to update your product price or repeat buyer frequency. Simply update it on the Products page and it will immediately update your launch. Click here for instructions on how to update your product price.
5. Click "Submit Launch" on the last page of setup once you are satisfied with the modifications.